Chapters 7.2

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Suggested citation for this chapter.

Pedersen,C. (2022) Evaluating the use of respirators for small scale farmers to protect them from pesticide sprays, The Encyclopedia for Small Scale Farmers. Editor, M.N. Raizada, University of Guelph, Canada.

An introduction to the health risks around fertilizers

Fertilizers and pesticides can be beneficial for small scale agriculture. However, without the use proper equipment they can have negative ramifications. There are approximately 55,895,916 cases of non fatal pesticide poisoning reported annually within the continent of Africa (Boedeker et al. 2020). Annually approximately 130 people are reported to perish from pesticide poisoning in this region (Boedeker et al. 2020). Without intervention, these numbers are projected to grow.

The toxicity of pesticides varies vastly relative to the chemicals used in each product. LD 50 is the legal medical dose required to kill half the tested population (ChemiSafetyPro, 2016). In essence, the smaller the proportion of LD50 the more toxic it is to the handlers. To put this into context, on average, a mixture of less then 50 mg of agent per kg of dilutant can kill a 155 lb person though 0.3 – 3 ml of oral consumption (Government of British Columbia, 2018). Signs and symptoms of mild pesticide poisoning include: headache, fatigue, blurred vision, loss of appetite with nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, blurred vision associated with excessive tearing, excessive sweating and salivation, and slowed heartbeat often less than 50 beats per minute (O’Malley and O’Malley, 2021). In moderate to more severe cases individuals are unable to walk and will complain of chest discomfort and tightness muscle twitching, involuntary urination and bowel movements, seizures and unconsciousness (O’Malley and O’Malley, 2021).

Measures can be taken to prevent the oral consumption of droplet particles as well as aerosolized exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. For small scale farmers, being sick means the inability to work on their farm, and ultimately can be fatal.

A potential solution

A respirator is a device created to protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous particulates, materials carried in gases, vapors, fumes, airborne microorganisms, and dusts. The respirator filters out matter from entering into the mouth, esophagus and lungs through filters situated at the front of the breathing apparatus, while allowing the user to intake clean air (Sapbamrer et al., 2021). Respirators can protect farmers from intaking pesticides and thus help to prevent pesticide poisoning while also reducing the potential exposure to carcinogenic’s and other hazardous chemicals that can be found in unregulated pesticides (Sapbamrer et al., 2021). These apparatuses can be applied to the spaying of pesticides as well as but not limited to construction, the cleaning of farm equipment and cattle sheds. Respirators can be re-used, and as such they can be shared throughout communities with proper coordination.

On the market currently there are many different types of respirators but not all are able to protect from chemical compound exposure. N95. N99 and N100 are all not effective against chemical exposure, but rather they are used within the medical field for the prevention of the spread and intake of infectious diseases. The R95, R99, and R100 respirators, however, are effective at limiting chemical exposure but they only have a life span of 8 hours meaning they are not a cost effective long term solution. The respirators on the market that are both effective and reusable are the P95, P99, and P100 models, as such they are the ideal respirators for this solution.

Implementation and distribution of respirators

There is innovation in the respirator industry in Africa due to Covid 19, although traditionally they have been poorly accessible within rural Africa (van der Merwe, 2021). This is to say that the potential to develop respirators locally and not rely on intercontinental shipments is now a potential option and could vastly cut down the overhead cost of development. Cross continental shipping fees can be expensive and also leave a larger margin for delays and problems. African countries that could have the capabilities of producing respirators domestically are Kenya, Madagascar, South Africa, and Egypt (van der Merwe, 2021). Using local distribution channels, it may be possible to get the products to rural farming villages. The best method of getting the product to the target consumers would be through local farm organizations as well as local markets.

During the implementation process, someone locally respected with an understanding of how the respirators work to explain them to farmers would improve their adoption compared solely on textual facts. This could be a very good way to get women involved within the process so that they can be in the forefront. Such participatory initiatives also represent a good opportunity to involve women within the design, manufacturing and knowledge transfer processes – to ensure equipment is the appropriate size for example.

Cost analysis

The cost of a respirator can be broken down into two sub categories: the cost of the apparatus which takes into account manufacturing costs, and second, the cost of shipping/ delivering the product. The average price of a full face respirator can range from $11 - $19 (Alibaba, 2021) on the lower end of the price spectrum. Respirators are reusable and are in theory a one time expense, not including replacement filters. Replacement filters cost $1-2 per filter, plus shipping costs (Alibaba, 2021). The largest cost becomes the cost of replacement filters over time.

Shipping costs can vary considerably. For example the cost of shipping 1 tonne per km along the route from Durban, South Africa to Lusaka in Zambia is $0.06 USD (Teravaninthorn, 2012), however from Douala (Cameroon) to N’djamena (Chad) is $0.11 USD (Teravaninthorn, 2012). The varying shipping and transport costs are higher within Africa compared to other parts of the world, but even within Africa the costs very because of variable fuel costs, age of fleet trucks (older trucks tend to have higher fuel consumption) and poor road conditions.

Critical analysis

The three main points where potential problems may arise is determining the cost of distribution, distribution constraints and the likelihood the product will be accepted. The major cost uncertainty is due to variation in the cost of freight; this could be offset by agricultural organizations or a sponsor company. Sending products out through hub points can be effective but the cost of shipping will still remain volatile and variable depending on the region. As far as distribution constraints, due to the poor roads and bridges, there may be long wait times. The speed of over land travel can range from anywhere to 25 to 50 kilometers per day in parts of Africa (Teravaninthorn, 2012). When analyzing the likelihood of whether or not respirators will be successful, we have to take into consideration the potential for their rejection which requires thoughtful training and implementation to improve their adoption by small scale farmers. Other reasons for issues with adopting respirators include the procedural changes required to use respirators, the associated discomfort of the masks (e.g. more sweat), the potential cost increase (include to change filters due dirt and sweat) and potential for fake PPE. With the recent COVID 19 pandemic, there has been an onslaught of fake PPE reaching the market at discounted rates, and as a result, consumers and users have a lack of trust in PPE and those who distribute it


In conclusion, the most efficient way of dealing with the health related issues caused by prolonged exposure to pesticides/fertilizers and their mishandling is to provide respirators to farmers within Africa as well as South Asia. The benefit to small scale farmers is the prevention of potentially fatal and avoidable illness which could take away from their ability to provide for their families.

Helpful links - Link to how to properly use the respirator and a breakdown of its individual part - link to a brief history in the question do we really need pesticides - Link to PPE related to spraying pesticides - link to how to spray pesticides to prevent backsplash with the knapsack sprayers - link how to mix and load your pesticide sprayers - link to how to properly use pesticide sprayers - link to acceptable respirator though wholesale


1. Alibaba (2021) Full Face Respirators-Full Face Respirators Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comWelding Helmets. Alibaba.\

2. Boedeker, W. Watts, M., Clausing, P. and Marquez, E. 2020 The Global Distribution of Acute Unintentional Pesticide Poisoning: Estimations Based on a Systematic Review. BMC Public Health 20, 1875,

3. ChemSafetyPro (2016) Definition of Toxicological Dose Descriptors (LD50, LC50, EC50, NOAEL, LOAEL, etc).

4. Government of British Columbia (2016) Pesticide Toxicity and Hazard -

5. Government of Canada (2021) Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Pesticides - Health Effects: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 29 Sept. 2021,

6. O’Malley, G. F., & O’Malley, R. (2021). Insecticide Poisoning. Merck Manual Consumer Version. Merck, Grand strand, Calgary

7. Sapbamrer, R., Hongsibsong, S., Naksata, M., & Naksata, W. (2021). Insecticide Filtration Efficiency of Respiratory Protective Equipment Commonly Worn by Farmers in Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2624.

8. Teravaninthorn, S. (2012). Transport Prices and Costs in Africa: A Review of the International Corridors. World Bank, Washington, D.C. Https://Openknowledge.Worldbank.Org/Handle/10986/6610.

9. van der Merwe, C. (2021). South Africa’s ventilator project shows value of basic research. Research Professional News, South Africa.